The Aboriginal Education Team at Governor Stirling Senior High School includes Aboriginal Islander Education Officers (AIEOs), Follow The Dream/Partnerships for Success (FTD) Coordinator and tutors, Wirrpanda Foundation Deadly Sista Girlz Coordinator and Mentor and a full time teacher.
This team, based in the Maali Centre, is dedicated to improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal students and offer a variety of programs and support to assist students. This includes:
1. Follow the Dream
2. Deadly Sista Girlz
3. In-class support
4. Mentoring and counselling
5. Assistance with traineeships
The Maali Centre is our purpose built Aboriginal Education centre and provides Aboriginal students with an inviting and culturally suitable environment. The centre provides comfortable state-of-the-art learning areas, seminar rooms and a parent’s room. Parents and community members are encouraged to visit the Maali Centre.
Follow the Dream works in conjunction with the school and students attend regular classes and receive additional assistance after-school.
The program includes Learning Centre (after school), tutor help, career development, excursions & camps, and family involvement.
Year 12 graduates graduate with a pathway to further education or training, a traineeship or employment.
Follow the Dream has enabled 100 per cent of Year 12 Aboriginal students to graduate during the past 9 years.
Follow The Dream / Partnerships for Success supports the educational aspirations of selected Aboriginal students from Year 8 to 12. The programs focus on completing school, gaining a Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Individual tutoring is available to students as needed through the Aboriginal Tuition Assistance Scheme (ATAS).
For further information about the above programs or services please contact the Aboriginal Education Coordinator.
The Aboriginal Island Education Officers (AIEOs) support the education of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in the following areas; teaching and learning, learning environment, behaviour, attendance and supervision. AIEO’s focus on the importance of students feeling proud and strong in their cultural identity and support this through various activities and events such as dance groups, art projects, NAIDOC and participation in significant cultural events.
Follow the Dream/Partnerships for Success supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from Years 7 to 12, who have the potential to attain educational success, are focussed on completing Senior School and gaining the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and attend school regularly. The program offers afterschool homework classes, tutors, excursions, camp and traineeship support.
The Deadly Sista Girlz program, delivered by strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander role models, is a culturally appropriate healthy lifestyle program which aims to improve engagement and education. This program is delivered to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls from Years 7 to 12 and offers educational support, mentoring, traineeship support, football, excursions and camps.